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Planning for Natural Disasters

Free Downloadable Templates for Disaster Recovery Planning

We sure don't want to think about a disaster coming along and wiping out everything we've worked so hard. But, we can't deny it. It takes time to plan, and more difficult to allocate the limited time we have today to prepare for what has not and may not happen tomorrow. And it can get daunting not knowing where or how to start getting prepared.

Well, let us make it easy for you and help you with the first step. We've gathered free downloadable templates from the web, all in one place, so you can pick and choose which you find useful. Just fill in, print a few copies, and save the completed form in a secure and easily retrievable cloud location. Done with step one. 

Step two. Look at your completed form and go buy what you need on the list and check off what ever's left to do. Good to go!

 I'm planning for
Free Downloadable Template
Source & Detailed Info
Disaster Family Emergency Communication Plan  FEMA YES
Family Communication Plan Fillable Card FEMA YES
Family Communication Plan for Parents FEMA YES
Family Communication Plan for Kids FEMA YES
Basic Family Emergency Supply List FEMA YES YES YES YES
Commuter Emergency Plan FEMA
Disaster Survivor’s Checklist FEMA YES YES YES
Earthquake Earthquake Safety Checklist FEMA YES
Hurricane Food and Water Checklist National Hurricane Survival Initiative YES
First Aid and Non-Prescription Drugs Checklist National Hurricane Survival Initiative YES
Tools and Supplies Checklist National Hurricane Survival Initiative YES
Sanitation, Clothing and Bedding Checklist National Hurricane Survival Initiative YES
Special Items for Baby, Adults and Pets Checklist National Hurricane Survival Initiative YES YES
Possessions and Documents Checklist National Hurricane Survival Initiative YES
Business Small Business Disaster Recovery Plan Template Purdue Global University YES
Emergency Response Plans FEMA YES
Business Computer Inventory Form FEMA YES
Business Continuity Plan FEMA YES
Business Continuity Resource Worksheet FEMA YES
What are the Costs? FEMA YES
Business Emergency Supplies FEMA YES
Emergency Response Plan FEMA YES
Emergency Response Resource Requirements FEMA YES
Business Impact Analysis Worksheet FEMA YES
Business Insurance Coverage Discussion Form FEMA YES
Program Coordinator Committee Worksheet FEMA YES
Business Risk Assessment Table FEMA YES
Emergency Management & Business Continuity Self-Assessment Checklist Preparedness, LLC YES
Business Continuity Toolkit Open for Business-EZ YES

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When Disaster Strikes - Steps That Can Save Lives

The Awake! No. 5 2017 article published concise and useful steps to help you be fully prepared when disaster strikes. Highlights: 


  • Prepare mentally
  • Learn about disasters
  • Prepare emergency supplies
  • Have access to phone numbers
  • Make and rehearse an escape plan
  • Plan to help others


  • In a fire
  • In an earthquake
  • In a tsunami
  • In a tornado or a hurricane
  • In a flood


  • Stay with friends
  • Keep your living space sanitary
  • Use personal protective equipment
  • Keep your daily routine
  • Acknowledge that disasters cause loss
  • Recognize and address emotional injury

Click here to read the full The Awake! No. 5 2017 article. It also lists the basic things you should have in your "go bags".  


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How to prepare for natural disasters

How to prepare for the winter storm, livestock, earthquake, and hurricane
Below are links to some helpful informational articles that provide safety tips for weathering the storm:

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Disaster Safety for People with Disabilities - Resources

Below are links to resources that can help you in making disaster preparation plans for people with disabilities.

Disaster Safety for People with Disabilities: What to Do When Emergency Weather Strikes
We were contacted by a Special Home Educator, Jenny Wise, who requests us to share the above useful resources on our site. She expressed: As a home-educator to my own special needs child (my youngest has autism), I periodically help other families by taking in their children during class time. I have at least two students I’m fortunate enough to teach semi-regularly who not only have a cognitive disability, but also a physical one. Living in California, where we’re known for having earthquakes and wildfires, I can’t help but think about what would happen if a natural disaster were to occur while one of these special students were under my care. I’ve done a lot of research and consulted with their parents to make sure we’ve done all we can to make sure that everyone — regardless of their physical abilities — has a safety plan.

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Useful Financial Resources to Plan for Natural Disasters

People's finances take a huge hit when natural disasters unleash their fury on their homes and communities. Few people know what to do before and after a storm, earthquake or fire hits. Here are some resources that can help you be better prepared and land back on your feet financially in the wake of a natural disaster.   We carry a wide selection of emergency kits to help you get prepared before a disaster strikes. Click here to view go bags.

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Over Four Times As Many Earthquakes Estimated in ‘15 as in ‘79 - How Can We Prepare?

Over Four Times As Many Earthquakes Estimated in ‘15 as in ‘79 - How Can We Prepare? Here are links to various sites that provide information that can help you devise a plan of action:

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The 10 cities most threatened by a damaging natural disaster - Quartz

Consider these two major worldwide trends:

  1. The global population is becoming increasingly concentrated in urban centers.
  2. Climate change is increasing the intensity of natural disasters, and thus probably making the damage they inflict worse.

When you mix the two together, the unfortunate result is that the $60 to $100 billion lost every year to hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods are probably going to get larger. Bigger storms plus more people in big cities—which are unusually near the water—add up to a greater potential for damage.

Recent natural disasters in major cities have individually met or even dwarfed the average figures above. Hurricane Sandy cost New York $67 billion in 2012, and the Tohoku earthquake and resulting tsunami in Japan in 2011 caused an estimated $210 to $300 billion in damage, in addition to thousands and thousands of lives lost. (It’s worth noting that there is no evidence climate change will cause stronger earthquakes.)

So, which cities face the biggest risk today? The graphic above answers that question, both in terms of the number of people at risk and the impact on the country’s economy. The results are based on a new report by the reinsurance company Swiss Re. Many of the cities in the top ten (in terms of human impact) are in Asia, which has been exposed to the widest array of natural disasters of all the continents, according to the report. And there are more at-risk cities in Japan than any other country because Japan lies on one of the most active fault lines on earth. Source:

Read more → – How to survive a natural disaster is a government website with tons of useful information on what to do before, during, and after an emergency. Easy to navigate website in several languages. Know how to survive a natural disaster. Be Informed What to do before, during, and after an emergency

Make A Plan Prepare, plan and stay informed for emergencies

Build a kit for disasters to be prepared

Get Involved Find opportunities to support community preparedness

Business Plan for and protect your business

Kids Fun and games for kids


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Current Real-time Earthquakes

The USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) is a government website that monitor and report earthquakes, assess earthquake impacts, and research the causes and effects of earthquakes. You can get real-time earthquake notifications sent to you via a free notification service to a number of popular mediums, such as Feeds, Email, Twitter, etc. Click here to get real-time data sent to you.

USGS Real-Time Earthquake Map


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